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5 AI Bots That Will Transform Your Agency

AI chat bots for Agencies - 3 computers on a table

In the fast-paced world of agency services where knowledge work is the name of the game, organizational practices  in knowledge transfer and internal operations can mean the difference between scalable growth and gradual decline. Everyday workflows like ramping client teams on new engagements and cross-pollinating best practices while protecting individual client confidentiality can often feel burdensome with more time spent re-inventing the wheel. For agency leaders and founders, these challenges are not just operational hurdles but significant barriers to scaling and delivering consistent value to clients. 

Enter AI chat bots — one of the proven, trusted ways for generative AI to transform your agency business in this early innings of enterprise AI’s promise. These powerful tools can streamline these processes, ensuring your teams have the right information when they need it, are unblocked to focus on strategic work, and spared the productivity tax of fielding  repetitive tasks or questions.

In this piece, we’ll outline a handful of applications of AI bots being used by agency businesses to power access to knowledge and optimal workflows:

  • Client team onboarding 

  • Voice of client insights

  • New business best practices and templates

  • Internal navigation and company wayfinding

  • People Ops helpdesk

Gif of Slack Knode Knowledge Bot for HR
Dedicated Knode Knowledge Bot in Slack

AI Knowledge Bots for Agencies

Here are five AI bots that can transform your agency operations:

Client Team Onboarding Bot

Agencies often struggle with onboarding new clients due to the vast amount of information that needs to be transferred and absorbed. This bot can answer questions about client-specific materials, reducing the onboarding time and ensuring that new team members are up to speed quickly.

  • Most Likely Knowledge Owner: Client lead.

  • Intended Audience/User Group: New business teams, account managers, and project managers.

  • Types of Documents: Client onboarding materials like FAQ docs, background information, engagement plans, statement of work, and final pitch deck.

  • Example Questions:

    • "What does the acronym XYZ refer to for this Client?

    • "What are the key deliverables for the client at our next check in?

    • "Can you provide a summary of the engagement plan for our new client?"

Why Knode for New Client operations? Knode Knowledge Bots can be partitioned to specific user groups which means every team member can have customized access to different client bots that make up their portfolio - ensuring there is no cross contamination of information between client accounts.

Voice of Client Bot

Understanding client needs and preferences is crucial for any agency. The voice of the client (sometimes referred to as voice of customer or VOC) can analyze feedback from various sources, providing insights that help improve client satisfaction. The Voice of the Client (VoC) Bot helps agencies analyze and act on client feedback to improve products, services, and overall client experience.  It helps organizations understand client needs, preferences, and perceptions, ensuring that client feedback is effectively integrated to improve overall client experience - as easily as chatting.

  • Most Likely Knowledge Owner: Client Manager, the Voice of the Client Program Lead, or Head of Strategy.

  • Intended Audience/User Group: Client experience teams, client managers, marketing teams, and senior leadership.

  • Types of Documents: Client feedback surveys and results, social media monitoring reports, product reviews and ratings, client journey maps, market research reports and even client call transcripts.

  • Example Questions:

    • "What are the top three issues our customers are facing this quarter?"

    • "Can you summarize the feedback from our latest product launch survey?"

    • "What is the current Net Promoter Score (NPS) and how has it changed over the last six months?"

    • "How do customers feel about our new feature update?"

    • "What are the key drivers of customer satisfaction according to recent feedback?"

Why Knode for VOC? Knode’s Knowledge Bots can be pointed at multiple source types from uploaded static documents to intranet documentation and more - making it a one-stop-shop for compiling customer documentation from internal sources and third party knowledge sources.

New Business Bot

New business teams often need quick access to the best examples and data to close deals. The New business Bot curates this information, ensuring that sales reps have the most compelling content at their fingertips. This AI bot answers common questions from sales and revenue teams using the best customer testimonials, case studies, former pitch decks, key facts, and research, providing valuable insights for sales teams.

  • Most Likely Knowledge Owner: New Business Manager, RevOps, or Sales Operations Team.

  • Intended Audience/User Group: Strategy team, account managers, and even freelancers brought on for new business work.

  • Types of Documents: Sales playbooks, product information, objection handling guides, battle cards, positioning documentation, and pricing guidelines.

  • Example Questions:

    • "Can you provide the best customer testimonials for our latest campaign?"

    • "What are the key points from our most successful case study?"

Why Knode for ramping sales? Don’t just answer questions for reps - help with their workflow. Leverage best practices documentation for scripts, sequences and more to help reps write net-new documentation whether it’s cold email campaigns or personalized follow ups.

Internal Navigation Bot

Agencies often juggle multiple projects and teams. The Internal navigation Bot ensures that everyone knows who is working on what in an organization, reducing confusion and improving project management. This bot helps track who is on what engagement, providing a clear overview of team assignments and project statuses.

  • Most Likely Knowledge Owner: Business Operations team.

  • Intended Audience/User Group: All employees.

  • Types of Documents: Organization charts, project pitch decks, team bios, project trackers and timelines.

  • Example Questions:

    • "Who is currently assigned to the Client Z project?"

    • "What is the status of the Client A engagement?"

Why Knode for wayfinding? Knowledge Bot managers can point bots to folders in Drive or project management tools like Jira or Trello which means they will always be up to date with your latest documentation. 

People Ops Bot

Agency HR teams are often inundated with repetitive questions. The People Ops Bot can handle these queries, freeing up your agency’s HR professionals to focus on more strategic tasks. This AI bot streamlines Human Resources and people operations by answering employee questions about policies, benefits, and procedures - even personal questions related to their own benefits or personal situation.

  • Knowledge Owner: HR Manager or People Operations Team.

  • Intended Audience/User Group: All employees.

  • Types of Documents: Employee handbooks, benefits summaries, company policies, internal HR guidelines.

  • Example Questions:

    • "What is our company's policy on remote work?"

    • "Can you explain the different health insurance plans available?"

    • "How do I apply for parental leave?"

Why Knode for People Ops? Knode Knowledge bots let you customize your disclaimers to help make sure you're compliant depending on your bots' purpose. For example, HR bots might include a disclaimer that asking the bot a question does not constitute reporting an issue to your employer (a “Record of Notice”) and what steps to take instead.

Now’s the Time to Create Your First AI Bot

The introduction of AI bots into your agency's operations can revolutionize the way your team works. Now is the perfect time to get started with AI bots to streamline your processes and enhance your team's productivity. 

To explore these use cases and more, speak with the Knode team today and explore our customizable Knowledge Bots. Our experts can guide you through the process of integrating AI bots like these into your workflows, ensuring you get the quickest speed to value from this transformative technology.

Book a demo to talk to our team and enhance your agency's AI journey today.


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